Упражнения на Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

Практические задания к уроку

42689 02.02.2021 (обновлена 05.04.2022)

Если возникнут сложности, вернитесь к теории 😎

1. Тренировка глаголов

Послушайте и повторите глаголы в Future Perfect Continuous in the Past:

to sit — would have been sittingсидеть — будет сидеть
to write — would have been writingписать — будет писать
to cook — would have been cookingготовить — будет готовить

Отрицательная форма:

not to sit — wouldn't have been sittingне сидеть — не будет сидеть
not to write — wouldn't have been writingне писать — не будет писать
not to cook — wouldn't have been cookingне готовить — не будет готовить

Нажмите кнопку Тренировать, если хотите изучить слова по карточкам 😎

2. Напишите глаголы в Future Perfect Continuous in the Past

to read — читать — будет читать
to wait — ждать — будет ждать
not to work — не работать — не будет работать
not to travel — не путешествовать — не будет путешествовать

3. Выберите правильный вариант

She said that by next month she ... tennis for 5 years already
would have been playing
would been playing
will have been playing
would have play

Время Future Perfect Continuous in the Past образуется с помощью would have been + V-ing: She said that by next month she would have been playing tennis for 5 years already

He thought that by the end of winter he ... for 3 years
willn't be singing
wouldn't singing
wouldn't have been singing
wouldn't have singing

Отрицательные предложения в Future Perfect Continuous in the Past образуются с помощью wouldn't have been + V-ing: He thought that by the end of winter he wouldn't have been singing for 3 years

Did Susan say that she ... for 2 hours by midnight?
would have reading
would have be reading
will been reading
would have been reading

Первая часть — вопрос в Past Simple, вторую строим как повествовательное предложение: Did Susan say that she would have been reading for 2 hours by midnight?

Mike said that he ... for 3 hours by the end of the day
would have been riding
will been riding
would been riding
would have been ride

В этом предложении мы снова выбираем would have been + V-ing: Mike said that he would have been riding for 3 hours by the end of the day

Отличная работа! Теперь вы знаете время Future Perfect Continuous in the Past 🎉 Читать дальше:

Времена в английском языке — обзор всех времен с примерами

В английском три времени: Present, Past, Future. Группы Simple, Continuous, Perfect и Perfect Continuous характеризуют действие как завершенное или нет, длительное, однократное.

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Упражнения на Future Perfect Continuous in the Past
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